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Monday, June 12, 2017

Bacterial Vaginosis Clearly Explained - Vaginal Infection Symptoms That Identify Thrush Is Not BV

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Bacterial vaginosis is a common vaginal infection, as so is a yeast infection too, however, both have different symptoms due to one being bacterial and the other yeast.

A question often asked by women is which one is the worse. This depends on the patient who with BV might see this as not only embarrassing but unbearable to have to cope with than that of a yeast infection such like thrush. Neither is seriously dangerous that they kill you, but they can cause severe discomfort.

The more understanding on this condition will help you know what to expect if it comes and how to treat it effectively.

Bacterial vaginosis is a vaginal infection caused by an overgrowth of different bacteria. The main symptom often identified by a doctor to clarify it is present is a discharge. If the discharge has an unpleasant smell, to be exact, fishy smell, then it is likely along with other specific signs like its colour being greyish, then it is bacterial vaginosis, even though not known to cause soreness and neither itchiness around the vulva like some infections do. Having said that, there have been some cases that included vaginal itching and redness.

BV happens as result of surplus bad (pathogenic) bacteria. Normally, beneficial bacteria help manage bad bacteria keeping it settled, but, if the beneficial bacteria struggles to maintain control over the bad stuff it can overgrow causing a bacterial infection. Some women might notice a stronger vaginal smell after sexual intercourse as well as after a period also, where discharge can come heavy.

The vagina is full of various types of bacteria as BV doesn't always develop because of one particular type. Bacterial vaginosis is not something that occurs from lack of hygiene management either so don't panic thinking you are dirty and start scrubbing the vagina. Excessive cleaning can upset the normal balance of bacteria which can encourage it to develop.

And to set the record straight bacterial vaginosis is not a sexually transmitted infection? As for possible complications, there is none with BV other than pregnant women being more at risk of developing problems during pregnancy. Those problems might include miscarriage, early labour, or infection of the uterus after delivery.

Antibiotics are a typical course of action taken by a doctor to clear the infection. Metronidazole is the preferred antibiotic and available in three forms.

    Tablets are taken twice daily for five to seven days
    Daily single dose of a larger pill
    Gel application to use once a day for five days

If you have just given birth and breastfeeding, metronidazole gel is normally recommended, as pill types can affect breast milk. The full prescribed course of antibiotics is to be taken if they are to work.


The yeast infection thrush is caused by a yeast called Candida. Discharge just like BV is also the main symptom which gives a good indication to the doctor that it is indeed a yeast infection. As opposed to bacterial vaginosis, thrush discharge usually is white and looks like clotted cheese and odourless not greyish or smelly. Other typical symptoms of vaginal thrush include itchiness and soreness around the vagina and vulva as well as burning.

To treat thrush you can use an internal type of medication that contains the active ingredient clotrimazole or fluconazole. Both effective treatments helping women cure thrush worldwide. Normally medication comes in the form of oral pills, soft gel, pessaries, and internal cream. It is best that medication whichever their form comes prescribed by a doctor or at least advised by a pharmacist

The most important thing a woman can do if she suspects a vaginal infection has happened is to have a doctor name the exact infection rather than you treat something you are not sure that it is.

Are you experiencing a vaginal discharge with a fishy smell, or maybe a discharge that looks like clotted cheese, if so help is here?

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